Vision & Mission

Shaping the future of education together; Writing an extraordinary chapter in a lifetime of learning, that creates opportunity for all to make a difference.

Our vision

Shaping the future of education together

St.George’s has since its founding in 1985 deployed an education model marked by an innovative momentum and a constant quest for excellence. The driving force behind all the school’s activities is empowering children to lead a life that makes a difference.

A St.George’s education creates infinite opportunities for students to excel. The four-strand approach - education, innovation, cultural intelligence and responsibility - is delivered through university preparatory programmes and practices that are collaborative, interdisciplinary, relevant and pioneering. Our graduates join the global community as confident critical thinkers who are resilient, socially conscious and prepared to make the most of their opportunities, leading a life that makes a difference, embracing responsibility and seeking to influence others positively.

Motivating students to invest their energies, hopes and dreams in engaging with the challenges of their times, improving the world for and around them, aligns perfectly with the St.George’s dedication to excellent international education and the continuous modelling of the values that it encourages in its students:

  • The curiosity to explore the world with an open heart and mind
  • The courage to face challenges, to pioneer and to innovate
  • The confidence to take on responsibility in order to influence others positively
  • The sense of community to care about others while maintaining one’s individuality

The Group sustains a long-term strategy to develop its schools, building on their success and respecting their distinctive identities. They are all ambassadors of our vision of shaping the future of education together.



Our mission

Writing an extraordinary chapter in a lifetime of learning, that creates opportunity for all to make a difference

Opportunity is woven into the very fabric of our promise to children and employees. Our mission is to inspire and provide limitless choices and actionable tools to help unleash the potential of everyone.

Each of our schools cultivates the highest quality level of academic and pastoral education, not simply to maintain it every year, but to elevate it, as we continually set even higher standards.

Together we evolve and adapt to changing contexts, challenges, and opportunities to deliver an extraordinary chapter in a lifetime of learning that offers purpose in the present and relevance for the future.

We are committed:

  • To lead by example
  • To be relevant in all we do
  • To the fullest development of young people in mind, body, heart and soul
  • To educate and encourage children through academic, artistic, humanitarian and social programmes to be themselves and become successful, balanced and confident characters
  • To lead their way
    • to reach their true potential
    • to make a responsible contribution to the communities they join
    • to participate in tackling the global challenges