
At St.George‘s, people come first. Our culture addresses the needs of the individual, with an education that allows every child to reach their full potential, while placing them firmly in the context of our international community and the wider world.

We live and breathe a commitment to educating the whole child, encouraging every individual to flourish while learning the value of working with and learning from others. The academic, extra-curricular and cultural education we offer enriches lives and allows creativity to thrive, developing in our students a learning that goes beyond the curriculum to build the skills, personal aptitudes and resilience that will take them through life.

We develop passionate staff who in turn build in their students the enquiring mindset and collaborative outlook which allows them to be the best that they can be: mature and accomplished individuals with the perspective and ambition to make a positive contribution to the world.



Extra-curricular experiences

Enrichment experiences provide a valuable way for pupils to see their academic learning in a broader context as they develop their knowledge and ideas beyond the classroom.

Across the St.George’s network of schools, trips, residentials and after-school activities are an essential part of a well-rounded education. Led by experts in their fields, they complement the curriculum and enable students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt in a real-world context. Students benefit from exposure to different cultures and perspectives and boost their social, emotional, teamwork and communication skills along the way; not to mention, forging many long-term friendships.

A wide range of exciting and rewarding activities provides challenge for our pupils and allows them to develop the additional skills, talents and areas of interest that will make them well-rounded citizens of the world.

  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. This international award allows students to engage with their environment, interact with other communities, and challenge their own beliefs about what they can achieve. Pupils that take part make valuable contributions in the areas of volunteering, foster physical activity and personal skill development, while creating memories that last a lifetime. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award offers a structured way to promote personal and character development and community engagement, helping students become more responsible, capable, and engaged members of society. It is an award that is closely aligned with our core values of curiosity, courage, confidence and community.
  • Model United Nations prepares students to become informed global citizens and leaders of tomorrow. These national and international forums engage students in pressing world issues, develop critical thinking and leadership abilities, as well as sharpen their research, writing, debating and public speaking skills.


Student leadership

Leadership opportunities for both Primary and Secondary pupils offer the chance to develop strong interpersonal and communication skills, motivate others towards common goals and grow into the global leaders of tomorrow.

Students are either elected by their peers or assigned leadership roles by teachers who understand how the tasks will benefit them. Working together our students take on responsibilities and develop their skills to problem-solve and bring about positive change within the school environment and wider society. This experience builds communities, passion, perseverance, and an intrinsic motivation that continue long into the future.

Our student leaders play an important role in the day-to-day running of the school and as role models for their peers and younger students. To help them develop the skills and traits they need, student leadership and mentorship training is offered to every year group.

The arts

The arts play a vital role in our curriculum. It is a universal language through which pupils can express their values, ideas and emotions. Through art our pupils build virtual bridges into unknown cultural territory and share the way they see the world. It enables them to work with others to explore and develop their vision, creativity and understanding of our rich and multicultural society.

Our Art Department equips students with their own creative skills and the ability to appreciate and engage with the visual arts in a broader sense. Pupils work with a wide variety of media and are encouraged to innovate and engage with creativity in all its forms, using technology to extend their horizons and enhance their problem solving and decision-making abilities.

St.George’s Drama Department explores the vibrant world of theatre with everything from dedicated drama workshops to ambitious annual productions. Students enhance their artistic and performance abilities and gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. Whether on stage or behind the scenes, everyone has a role to play.

Through inspirational teaching and exceptional music-making in professional music suites and recording studios we enable our students to pursue their passion for music, fulfil their musical potential and provide them with the skills for a lifetime filled with the joy of music.

Sport and physical education

The importance of sport to a healthy and happy life is fundamental to our school ethos. We provide our students with a solid foundation of skills and training and the understanding of the benefits of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

We believe participation in sport reinforces important values for life, building passion, respect, integrity and sportsmanship in every student. Whatever the activity or level of ability, from organised games to a wide range of sports practice, our curriculum builds skills and self-confidence while teaching the benefits of time management and healthy competition.

St.George’s extensive sports programme develops positive, resilient and independent individuals ready to take on the challenges and opportunities of life.



Our community

The diversity of our community is our strength. Our students, parents, alumni and staff come from over 60 different countries and share the values of open-mindedness and mutual respect while celebrating the uniqueness that make us who we are. They are people from all walks of life who partake a passion to shape the future of education.

At the core of our community are the teachers who bring the St.George’s experience to life. They prepare our students to become compassionate and competent individuals, equipped with the skills and aptitudes to face whatever tomorrow holds.

We take pride in the partnership between our teachers, parents and students. Through close collaboration and regular feedback, we work together to deliver the best learning experience and positive outcomes for every student in our care.

We value our relationship with our neighbours and strive to foster positive communication between school and the local community. We are proud to give back to society and invest in the partnerships, resources and skills to make a difference.

The sense of belonging and togetherness we develop among students, staff and families does not end when community members move onwards. We continue to support our alumni as they embark on their adult lives. St.George’s will always be a place they can return to, and we value our connection and the wonderful friendships and working relationships forged at our school.


The voices of St.George's





unique education model